While a lot of people want to lose a few pounds, Susanne Eman, a 330-kg mom from Casa Grande, Arizona, the United States is aiming to nearly double her size in order to become the world’s fattest woman ever in spite of the warning from doctor that her experiment may kill her.
The 32-year-old single mother of two currently weighs 330kg. She is trying to balloon from 330kg to a record 730kg in ten years. Susanne Eman has already surpassed the former heaviest mum, Donna Simpson, who weighed in at a paltry 317.5kg.
Susanne Eman, who is a hit among fans of “super size big beautiful women”, spends eight hours filling six trolleys during her monthly shopping visits with son Gabriel,16, and Brendin, 12 at the local supermarket in Casa Grande, Arizona. The woman continue planning to get even more food so that she can reach her goal.
Susanne Eman poses with her two sons
In order to gradually reach the target weight, Susanne Eman is trying to consume over 20000 calories per day. Although Eman’s body is enveloped with the huge rolls of fat, the mother of two insists that she feels healthier and more attractive in her rotund state. “The bigger I get, the better I feel. I feel more confident and sexy. Why shouldn’t I push the limits and see how fat I can get and stay healthy? I’d love to find out if it’s humanly possible to reach a tonne.” said Susanne Eman.
Susanne Eman poses with her younger sister
Susanne Eman, who used to work as a model for supersize websites, plans to be 362kg by the end of this year and 730kg by the age of 41 or 42. When being asked about the reasons why she wants to become the world’s fattest woman, Eman said that she wants to break the stigma that being fat is a bad thing. She also loves to discover “if it’s humanly possible to reach a ton”.
Susanne Eman uses a motorised scooter as she goes to the supermarket with her two sons
Susanne Eman is currently impossible to work due to her weight. However, she stays active by doing simple exercises and having regular health checks. “I take my blood pressure once a week, and every day, after I exercise, I take readings of my other vitals. I use a pulse oximeter to measure the concentration of oxygen in my blood stream.”
Susanne Eman’s doctor Patrick Flite said that although Eman’s medical checks showed no current problems, she is really playing Russian roulette with her life with this goal. He also said that he would never encourage anyone to be doing what she is doing.
In spite of the warning of doctor that her experiment may kill her, Susanne Eman is determined to reach her weighty goal
Dr. Betsy Schur Levy on Aspiring World's Fattest Woman
Related links:
Donna Simpson: Shocking Story of World 's Fattest Mum Ever
About the Author:
Chris Jacken used to work as a doctor of a general hospital in February 1998. Currently, Chris is a writer specializing in weight loss related issues. He posts his articles on a number of different directories.
Articles Source: 330-kg U.S. Mom - Susanne Eman - Determined to Become World's Fattest Woman Ever
Why would anyone do this to themselves. This is not anything to play with. The reward of being the fattest women in the world is in no way a prize worth receiving.
I agree!
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