The University of California has put two police officers on leave on Sunday after they were seen spraying pepper onto non-violent protesters at point-blank range sparked outrage at school officials. Two of the protesters were taken to the hospital. Ten people were arrested, nine of them students. The Friday's incident immediately leads to calls for UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi’s resignation. On a written statement on Sunday, Katehi said that she was "deeply saddened" by the use of the chemical irritant by campus police.
At the time of Friday's incident, a group of protesters sat on the path when the police cleared out a protest encampment affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement Friday. While most of protesters put their heads down, a police officer walked to the line and started spraying them in their faces. One of the protesters subjected to the spray named Sophia Kamran said on Saturday, “I was shocked. When students are sitting on the ground and no way of moving to be violent, being totally peaceful, I don't understand the use of pepper spray against them”. While authorities refuse to name the officers, one of them has been identified locally as Lt John Pike.
The terrible picture of police drenching a line of student protesters in pepper spray on campus of University of California emerges from shocking video footage. The students are believed to be in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement
Occupy Davis protestors block the exit from the school's quad Friday in Davis, California
An investigation that initially announced Saturday would include communications from the police to the administration in deadline of 30 days. Katehi promises to hold talks with students, faculty and staff "to listen to their concerns and hear their ideas for restoring civil discourse to the campus."
Linda Katehi, the chancellor of the University of California, wrote, “I am deeply saddened that this happened on our campus, and as chancellor, I take full responsibility for the incident”
After the incident, students make widespread call for Katehi’s resignation. An assistant professor in the Department of En named Nathan Brown wrote in an open letter that, “You are responsible for it because this is what happens when UC Chancellors order police onto our campuses to disperse peaceful protesters through the use of force: students get hurt. Faculty get hurt”. Despite accepting “full responsibility” for the case, the chancellor still refuses to budge.
UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi apologizes students on Monday at a rally on campus while the crowd shouts out “Shame on you” and “resign”
Students hold mass protests over the excessive police force at the the University of California, Davis
Occupy UC Davis protesters, including David Buscho (left), react after being pepper sprayed
Occupy protester David Buscho is helped after being pepper sprayed on Friday afternoon
The students' faces and hands are covered in the orange pepper spray
Police officers remove the protesters after the incident
The police officers bring along guns
This is Lt. John Pike who pepper sprayed students at UC Davis
UC Davis Protestors Pepper Sprayed
Related links:
Occupy Oakland 2011: Police Fired Tear Gas to Protesters (Pictures & Videos)
New York: Wall Street Protest in Pictures and Video
Occupy Wall Street Protesters Suppressed by Stun Grenade in Oakland
About the Author:
Mary Rose is currently a lecturer on society. In her free time, Mary is fond of joining social activities. Her goal is to provide up-to-date news and articles on society and culture.
Articles Source: UC Davis Pepper Spray Cop Lt. John Pike Identified (Pictures & Video)
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