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Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Debt Ceiling And U.S. Citizens
As expected the political bickering on sensitive, important and critical issues is still going on, non-stop. One thing that is very clear to me, now, and may be getting more and more clear to you, too, is that unfortunately, for most of our leading politicians, their political motives and personal rivalries are far more important then the interest of our country, our nation and us, the citizens. There is absolutely no doubt that debt is getting out of control and must be controlled. But, to do it this way, just to earn some political points, is unbelievable. Let me tell this to my dear leaders, loud and clear, and I believe that in saying so, I represent every single one of you, out there. I want to say, loud and clear, that any damage done to the country, nation, it's finances and citizens, as a result of this power game, will be extremely destructive to the political parties and to the political leaders responsible. People will not forget this when you come back to them for votes in the next elections. As a nation we have done many blunders and mistakes, when it comes to electing the representatives, senators and presidents. But, enough is enough. We are sick and tired of the leaders and politicians who get our votes to go to Washington and state, county and city capitals to represent us. But, as soon as they get there, they forget us, the people who voted them and who they promised to represent and for who's interests they were supposed to fight and work for. Instead of us, they start representing the sources of their campaign financing, the money suppliers. I am sure you know, what I mean. Yes, the big corporations and their lobbies. You crooked politicians and media executives! Stop this dirty game, right now, and get back to the work. That is, working for the interest of this country, this nation, it's people and your voters and audience.
It is so irritating that they do not even care about the worst consequences that this country, nation and it's citizens will face, as a result of default. We must understand that all interest rates are based on government borrowing rates. If government will be borrowing at higher rates, we all will be paying the price. It will virtually affect almost every thing in our lives, mortgages, car loans, student loans, personal and business loans. Everything will go up and we will be paying higher interest rates on everything. In addition to this the more expensive borrowing for businesses will have even more disastrous effects. It will become harder for businesses to get money, in already a very tight market. More and more businesses will be out of business, resulting into more job losses, more unemployment and even a harder and longer recovery form recession.
It will be even harder to get start up money for businesses. So, start up rate will be slower, which means slower job creation and slower recovery. Higher interest rates on business loans will also mean a higher cost, resulting into higher prices. Cost of living will go up, in an environment, where a large number of people and families are barely surviving. More people, kids and families will slip under poverty line and life will become harder for more people.
Most companies are already cutting benefits, reducing salaries, not giving raises to their employees, putting less number of employees for same amount of work. This is happening when cost of living keeps going up. The results are, and will be even worse, that standards of living are going down, stress level at work is increasing and risk of fatal and terrible mistakes is being raised, too. On job stress level is shown to be directly related to increased risk of cardiovascular incidents, violence, various psychiatric issues and difficulties in relationships.
What is totally incomprehensible to me, is, if this is all about taxes, then, can these idiots not distinguish between literal and broader meanings of tax. Are all these consequences not even worse then increasing taxes? I think, the only difference is that most of these indirect taxes will fall on average Joes. But, the direct taxes that they are trying to prevent fall mostly on big corporations. They would rather seriously increase the burden of taxes on you and me, instead of taxing the big corporations. Let me tell this to these idiots: The survival and prosperity of big corporations is tied to the survival and prosperity of this country, this nation and the citizens of United States of America. If we do not have money to spend and buy, who the hell they going to sell?
The reason we are in this hole, and the reason we could not get out of it, is the trickle down economy. It has never worked that way and it will never work that way. There is absolutely no way to make people and corporations wealthy unless the consumer has very good buying power. That is why we have rich people and corporations and Ethiopia doesn't. That is why China, India, Japan, Europe and everyone else wants to sell in our country. Because we have the buying power, the power to make business owners and businesses rich.
Therefore, it is extremely important to save and preserve the buying power of American consumer. Not just for our benefit, but, for the benefit of the whole world. This is the reason, due to which China is always ready to lend us money. Because, China wants to maintain the buying power of it's biggest market. That is why when we go up, whole world's economy goes up and when we go down, whole world's economy goes down.
My dear corporate owners and executives, their lobbies, their pimps in politics and media: Please, do not make the mistake of killing the buying power of American consumer. First of all. it is suicidal to you all. You will have no existence and survival for you guys, without a powerful American buyer. So, don't be stupid. Sometimes you have think about others, for your own survival.
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About the Author
Navaid I. Syed is the owner and CEO of Woodbridge, Virginia based corporation ExcitingAds! Inc., which has it's blog on and the main website of company is at He writes on a very wide variety of topics including, politics, Economics, Finance, news and current affairs, and health, Medical, fitness and weight loss. His articles are marked with broad based research and knowledge. He always tries to cover all the possible aspects of his topics and all the available points of view. He keeps a neutral and unbiased approach.